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Stock Market: Blowing Bubbles in Sight

Sunday, December 1st, 2013

Now that Thanksgiving has come and gone with nary a sign of the Market giving up its upward climb yet, the Indexes have blown through the rounded numbers of 16,000, 4000 and 1800 for the DJIA, NASDAQ and the S&P 500.  So now we look forward to Santa Claus in his red car to drive this Rally to even further heights, hopefully before it gives up the ghost.

Bubbles Picture

The Market Indexes drove into New High Territory yet again this past week as shown below:

Bubbles Indexes

The NASDAQ is showing fresh Momentum and the Rainbow Charts are rising to the Moon…notice that %A/D is strong showing “dark Green”, with three Blue Kahunas in the last ten days!

Bubbles Nasdaq

The obvious question at this stage is “How Much Further can the Nasdaq go?”  Let’s turn to the High Jump, which has served us well when the Market gets Overbought, as it is now.  The answer based on recent History is on the next chart:

Bubbles  High Jump

Here is where the Greed and Fear really sets in as seen by this next chart which shows the famous Tech Bubble from 1999 to late 2000, with the High Jump potential Targets on the chart.  It doesn’t take much to see that we are fast moving to nose bleed territory!

Bubbles  Nose Bleed

Now let’s take a look at the innards of the Market and see how the Canaries are holding up since they have recently found support, and had a strong bounce back on 11/27/2013, the day before Thanksgiving:

Bubbles  Canaries

…And here is the Index for the Canaries, which shows a small recovery so far, but not enough to dance the Highland Fling!

Bubbles  Canaries 2

Here is the improvement since the two day ying-yang we had two weeks ago, which shows we are in safe territory with a cushion:

Bubbles  Pat

…And its twin picture which shows that the discrepancy between %B of the S&P 1500 and the % Stocks >0.5 has righted itself:

Bubble Pat 2

Here is a bonus picture for you to ponder over…The Historical Prices Year-by-Year of the Total Return for the S&P 500, which shows that the last five years from 2009 to 2013 have been very strong.

Bubble S&P500

Best Regards,



Stock Market: Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 23rd, 2013

We have a lot to be thankful for despite the difficult market that keeps confounding the gurus as they try to call the top in this overbought market.  We are only a week away from the start of the Santa Claus Rally and there are still few signs of a breakdown except for the Canaries which are long in the tooth and taking a breather.

Thanksgiving Picture

The long march upwards continues with four of the eight Market Indexes into new high territory this week:

Thanksgiving Indexes

The Russell 2000 (RUT) is back in high gear and into new high territory as the small cap stocks take command once again:

Thanksgiving RUT

In the past three weeks since the October Seminar, although there have been Knee Jerks, the Markets and the JIRM Index show that at this point in time there are no signs that the big guns want to throw in the towel and take this Market down:

Thanksgiving Nasdaq

…And here is the JIRM Index which again is still holding up, but must continue strong here to avoid a triple top.  Please note that the clusters around the 17-dma (green) have NOT collapsed, which is a good sign as it too reaches into New High Territory:

Thanksgiving JIRM

The Canaries are suggesting Danger ahead, but these have had a very long and envious run so it is to be expected that there would be profit taking, and these have fulfilled their role for us in being the first to signal a correction may be at hand.  Note the value of the Rainbow charts which quickly show that when a cluster around the 17-dma eats into the 50-dma cluster we have fair warning that a potential big fall is about to happen.

Thanksgiving Canaries

Now for a look at the Internals with regard to the abcde’s…the accumulation of A+B vs. D+E.  Having hit a high of 4418 three weeks ago we are back in the doldrums and heading for stalemate with a ratio of 1.4:1:

Thanksgiving abcde

It goes without saying that the opportunities are primarily very short term…quick be nimble and nimble be quick action:

Thanksgiving Pat

…And now for the So What?  Despite all the fru-frau of overbought and very extended, the NASDAQ has a BIG CUSHION before major damage can be done.  Unless we have a huge knee jerk down, we should have plenty of warning that a major correction of 12% or more  is underway.

Thanksgiving Nasdaq 2

Have a Happy Thanksgiving to you all!



Stock Market: Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 23rd, 2013

We have a lot to be thankful for despite the difficult market that keeps confounding the gurus as they try to call the top in this overbought market.  We are only a week away from the start of the Santa Claus Rally and there are still few signs of a breakdown except for the Canaries which are long in the tooth and taking a breather.

Thanksgiving Picture

The long march upwards continues with four of the eight Market Indexes into new high territory this week:

Thanksgiving Indexes

The Russell 2000 (RUT) is back in high gear and into new high territory as the small cap stocks take command once again:

Thanksgiving RUT

In the past three weeks since the October Seminar, although there have been Knee Jerks, the Markets and the JIRM Index show that at this point in time there are no signs that the big guns want to throw in the towel and take this Market down:

Thanksgiving Nasdaq

…And here is the JIRM Index which again is still holding up, but must continue strong here to avoid a triple top.  Please note that the clusters around the 17-dma (green) have NOT collapsed, which is a good sign as it too reaches into New High Territory:

Thanksgiving JIRM

The Canaries are suggesting Danger ahead, but these have had a very long and envious run so it is to be expected that there would be profit taking, and these have fulfilled their role for us in being the first to signal a correction may be at hand.  Note the value of the Rainbow charts which quickly show that when a cluster around the 17-dma eats into the 50-dma cluster we have fair warning that a potential big fall is about to happen.

Thanksgiving Canaries

Now for a look at the Internals with regard to the abcde’s…the accumulation of A+B vs. D+E.  Having hit a high of 4418 three weeks ago we are back in the doldrums and heading for stalemate with a ratio of 1.4:1:

Thanksgiving abcde

It goes without saying that the opportunities are primarily very short term…quick be nimble and nimble be quick action:

Thanksgiving Pat

…And now for the So What?  Despite all the fru-frau of overbought and very extended, the NASDAQ has a BIG CUSHION before major damage can be done.  Unless we have a huge knee jerk down, we should have plenty of warning that a major correction of 12% or more  is underway.

Thanksgiving Nasdaq 2

Have a Happy Thanksgiving to you all!



Stock Market: Two Days of Wibbly Wobbly!

Sunday, November 10th, 2013

Thank you for your patience…we had a great seminar and I am back with all sorts of goodies for you to digest and enjoy.  This chart says it all and the rest back it up:

Crazy Picture

Here is the picture of how the Major Market Indexes have behaved the last twenty days:

Crazy Indexes

The Russell 2000 (RUT) keeps chugging along bouncing off a 4% Correction as it leads most of the other Indexes upwards:

Crazy RUT

That little trick of mine is working well…I’m sure you recall the Canaries I gave you to watch as being the first clue when the Market is extended.  They are at equal balance between a Head and Shoulders Top and a Double Bottom.  Next week should show the direction of a correction first before Thanksgiving and then up for the Santa Claus Rally into the New Year or a Bounce Play off a one day blip which continues up:

Crazy Canaries

The Accumulation to Distribution Ratio hit a peak of 4.5:1 and in usual fashion has backed down these last nine days to a 2:1 ratio:

Crazy abcde

As the days roll by into months and years, I am more and more comfortable that Bucket Skips, i.e. Kahunas up and down coupled with 12 Drummers Drumming is the key to knowing the swings in the market, but you judge for yourself, where this picture says it all once again:

Crazy Drummers

Of course the pattern changes over time, but one gets a sense of the pulse and rhythm of the market if you watch this inter-relationship.  We are now sitting at around stalemate on Grandma’s Pies and this week should define the direction until Thanksgiving.

Crazy Pies

…And here is the See-Saw, Marjorie Daw Market we are putting up with:

Crazy seesaw

The calculations on the High Jump Chart says it all as to what to look out for to stay on the right side of the Market.  Despite the Gloom and Doom, the main message is that we still have a decent cushion before the real fear should set in so watch carefully with tight stops and be on guard:

Crazy Jump

Have a good week and Best Regards,



Stock Market: Canaries are Gasping in the Coal Mine

Tuesday, October 8th, 2013

I am sorry I am late with the obvious news but I have been working feverishly for the HGSI Seminar we will be holding in a little over two weeks time.  As I write this in mid-morning we have a Major shot across the bow and the big institutions are cashing in.  Why so you ask?  Because I warned you that when the Institutions hit the Canaries big time, the party is probably over and they are in the process of doing that right now.

Canaries Picture

The picture of the eight market Indexes which you are familiar with speaks for itself:

Canaries Indexes

I’m sorry to belabor the point, but you will remember this concept well and truly from now on:

Canaries Canary

Now for the latest week’s fodder that confirms what I said to you many moons ago about watching these eight stocks:

Canaries Data

…and here is the latest hot off the press with the most recent mid-day data shown below:

Canaries Data2

…And last night’s Little Kahuna down on most Market Indexes suggested we were in for the floodgates opening today:

Canaries Indexes2

Hurry, hurry, hurry to sign up for the seminar where we have raised the bar yet again!

Best Regards,


Copyright © 2007-2010 Ian Woodward
Disclaimer: Commentaries on this Blog are not to be construed as recommendations to buy or sell the market and/or specific securites. The consumer of the information is responsible for their own investment decisions.