Ian Woodward's Investing Blog

The HGS Investor January Newsletter Overview


Last month I said that “I feel the Grinch stole Christmas as the saying goes, and we are in for more rough sledding on this roller coaster market” and in hindsight, he has stayed for January as well.  I hope you have read my two blog notes on Chairman Bernanke’s talk last week, and there is even less by way of new good news to come unless the FOMC pulls another rabbit out of the hat and conjures other ways to prop up the market that can improve the lack of confidence that is now permeating through the Investment Community.  Need I say more than the tom-toms are now beating daily with the Recession mentioned by the pundits at every twist and turn?  IBM came in with stellar earnings on Monday to send the market prancing upwards.  Wonders never cease. 

This month I cover several Case Studies.  One Study focuses on Rotation, Rotation and Rotation.  I will show you that the New Year RonIandex was trashed ten days ago and that the new breed is exemplified by the Candidates my good friend Jeff Scott chose at the weekend to do his fishing.  This shows one can buy stocks to buy in a down market provided you know where and when to fish. I also show how the LAG FACTOR problem that other software has is not a problem when you view Ian Slow along with % Pr Change 3 Weeks in the Ranking Module.  I also capture the two days DOW Index reaction when Bernanke spoke last Thursday, for posterity sake.  In addition I have a one page reprise on the famous Mark Pharr chart which I produced 14 months ago to identify the process of when very Long Term Investors should consider this 5 Year Bull Rally is first close to over and then over.  We are there.  

Ron’s movie and focus this month is on an RSS Reader that scours for news on any stock that you are following.  It’s called Stock Spy.  There is some good cross promotion for HGSI and like Quote Tracker it integrates well with HGSI.  As you well know investing these days is very much event driven and news good or bad can cause major swings in a matter of minutes rather than days. It’s a versatile tool for us. 

Best Regards, Ian

Copyright © 2007-2010 Ian Woodward
Disclaimer: Commentaries on this Blog are not to be construed as recommendations to buy or sell the market and/or specific securites. The consumer of the information is responsible for their own investment decisions.