Ian Woodward's Investing Blog

Archive for September, 2007

HGS Investing Principles #3 – Review of the Game Plan Index

Monday, September 3rd, 2007

Most of you are familiar with the concept of the Iandex, which then became the RonIandex, where towards the end of a strong bull market rally, we select a minimum of 15 stocks in at least 12 Industry Groups, with no more than two stocks from the same Group.  We watch the Index behavior to give us a feel for what the Market is doing.   

We can take that concept a bit further and take a similar set of stocks after the market has corrected say 8% or so.  They are Leaders with solid Fundamentals, have just delivered an excellent EPS report and are essentially bucking the Market trend though have naturally given up some profit, but are not broken stocks.   

That is what I did with the Game Plan Blog Index of 18 stocks just one month ago on August 4th.  In that note I gave you the criteria, so I won’t repeat it here, and I suggested that if these leaders died the market was in for a lot more turmoil. Here then is the performance for the last two weeks compared to the S&P 500: 

Game Plan  

I also suggested that from a Charting perspective, you should watch three important facts: 

  1. All great leaders rise above the 9-dma, and as long as the Index stayed above that Moving Average the Index was very healthy.
  2. A healthy Index will stay above the 17-dma, but will often correct to it and then bounce.  Since the Index should stay above the Middle Bollinger Band, i.e., %B >0.5 (50%), there should be few Kahunas either up or down.  Ideally one would like the Index to have %B >0.7% to give us a cushion against a sudden drop in the market as a warning sign to liquidate ones positions.
  3. If the 17-dma is broken and then heads for the 50-dma and/or breaks it, watch out below.  The Chart of the Index still looks healthy though it certainly dipped down to test the 50-dma at the same time that the Market Indexes were floundering, but then quickly recovered on the bounce.

game plan #2 

Summary Results:

  1. The Index is up 98% and 157% on the S&P 500 after one and two weeks, respectively
  2. The Index is above the 9-dma, and all great leaders rise above it 
  3. 15 of the 18 stocks are still positive, i.e., 83%, and 61% are up from last week
  4. Although Acc/Dist is drooping, all signals are go on the Ready, Set, Go
  5. The two Eurekas for the NYSE though suspect with low volume, signifies a bonus plus
  6. A C&H formation and the %B at 0.8, which gives room to act if the market goes down
  7. A gain of 2.78% per week for 18 stocks shows overall strength 

The Message is the Market is still healthy, but this coming week should be the real test.   In my next Blog I will summarize what these three HGS Principles mean as mini-stakes in the ground and then reflect on the Macro picture for what will be the two most important weeks to come.

HGS Investing Principles #2 – Wolf Packs

Sunday, September 2nd, 2007

In the August 26th Blog I showed you how to ferret for Wolf Packs.  The particular one I showed you was the Chemical – Specialty Industry Group which caught my eye since there were 10 such stocks in the top 20 when I applied the 0a Key to All Securities, and sorted on the Combo Rank column.  No matter what list I look at, I always look for Wolf Packs as they often give clues as to “What’s Working Now”. 

Wolf Packs come in at least three different forms: 

  1. Industry Groups that have been trashed and show signs of life usually for a day or two and is invariably news driven.  An excellent example was a spurt of life the other day based on a rumor that Warren Buffet was buying the beaten down Housing Stocks.  Stay away from such wolf packs unless you are prepared to sit with dead money for a long time.  
  2. Industry Groups that are hot due to a theme or story in the market, such as the Energy Alternatives recently during the past several months.  These are excellent Wolf Packs provided you catch them early enough. FSLR, TSL, JOS come to mind in this group. 
  3. Industry Groups that have had a long run, have a very high long term Ian Slow Group Rank, but have recently been trashed and are showing signs of a re-birth.  This is the example I chose when I showed you the Chemical Specialty Group.  Here were the stocks I showed a week ago:


wolf pack 1 


The key point to observe is that the GROUP RANK for Ian Slow has gone up from 92 to 94 and this is a significant step showing continued long term strength.  I’m sorry I couldn’t maintain the same order, but take my word for it eight of the ten are up, albeit some only slightly.

wolf pack 2 

The more important picture is the comparison for the short term Group Rank which has jumped appreciably since a week ago.   However, the real message is to watch the wolf pack and wait for a down day and then on the next move up take the pick of the bunch.  They were FTK and ICOC at the time and I took the latter (as it was breaking out) for a 10% ride so far in less than a week.


wolf pack #3

Finally, the chart says it all…the Wolf Pack is alive and kicking, again showing that the Market itself is healthier than the flat performance of last week shows in the Indexes. 


Best regards, Ian

HGS Investing Principles – Using Different Investing Styles

Saturday, September 1st, 2007


About a week ago I chose four different Investing Styles to give me clues for what’s working now.  You probably looked at the list and hopefully paused to think about what my message could possibly be, as I am sure you scour the HighGrowthStock.com website all the time.  Those who attend our seminars know me better by now, but I wonder if you got where I was taking you with the snapshot I showed you only ten days ago. 

Here is the update to the same four Investing Styles and we can certainly glean quite a few points out of this updated view:

 Using Diff #2

I know your eyes are squinting at this view, but the detail is not important…it is the color green! So what are the Messages:

  1. Pick the groups from StockPicker from the DAY BEFORE once you see a strong up day in progress in the market.  I originally showed this same set of groups after I saw a strong move upwards on August 22nd in my note “Looking a Gift Horse in the Mouth”.
  2. Go back and look at that note.  You will see that after one day Growth Investor and Swing Trader both delivered strong performances of 5.5% and 3.0%, with Value Investor and Best Stocks Under $10 behind, but respectable with 2.4% and 1.6%.
  3. The exact numbers are not important…what is important is that a basket which delivers 3% in one day is a strong basket, and Growth is better than Value at that time.
  4. Now fast forward to yesterdays results…granted on another strong day finishing up the week and eight trading days later.  11% and >9% for the same two groups of Growth and Swing Trader with all ten stocks positive tells me several things:


  • Say what you will, this market is healthier than we think and there is money to be made
  • Growth Stocks that are Leaders is the place to be
  • Doesn’t that sound familiar after watching  Ron Brown’s Movie today
  • There are five big winners in these two groups with 20% gains or better
  • It speaks well that STOCKPICKER groups give you a good starting point to ferret

Now dig further to get to the nuggets…take a look at the top 10 stocks from the four groups or whatever other menu you like.  Here is what you get:

Styles 3

It is exactly what you would expect…Technology, Telecom and Health Care is where its at.  Look at the # of Box 7 stocks and look at the Fundamentals in the last three columns. 

At this point, I’m sure you are saying “But I don’t have time”.  Of course not.  Ron and my job is to teach you how to fish, your job is to catch the fish.  More importantly, doesn’t that stiffen your backbone that there are opportunities to be found and that the HGSI software brings the cream of the crop to the top with its StockPicker Groups.  What you should get out of this note is to know the What, the Why, the When, the How, and the So What of ferreting for HGS Stocks.  Best Regards, Ian.


HGS Investing Principles – Stakes in the Ground

Saturday, September 1st, 2007

 Stakes in the Ground

My colleague and good friend, Ron Brown, showed you all the useful tricks of the trade in his Movie today by focusing on Leaders.  There are always opportunities as long as you stick to the HGS Investing Principles. His movie says it all and demonstrates how he and you can squeeze the best out of the software to understand the current pulse of what’s working now.  So trot over to the HighGrowthStock web-site and enjoy and use his movies as a companion piece to what I have been showing you these past several weeks.    http://www.highgrowthstock.com/WeeklyReports/default.asp 

One of the basic principles I use is Benchmarking.  Benchmarking comes from past history and/or experience.  I know the usual hue and cry is “But, Ian, History never repeats itself”.  My favorite come back is “But it is worthwhile to know if the Market has ever been there before.  Although all ballparks are not the same size, there are minimum requirements for the home run markers but the diamond is ALWAYS the same”.   Be that as it may, I have found that Benchmarking and Target Setting are basic approaches I use to determine whether the Market is on the High Road, the Low Road or the Middle Road Scenario. 

Another strong principle is to have Stakes in the Ground.  How can one measure unless you know where you are measuring from?  One of the most important Stakes in the Ground is the Base Low.  It is the recent last low after the NASDAQ has had a decent rally and has corrected more than 12%, i.e., more than an Intermediate Correction.  All new Bull Market rallies are measured from that Base Low.  The NASDAQ Base Low is 2387…lightly tapped in for now until the next bull market rally is confirmed. 

At critical times in the market such as around market tops and bottoms, it is essential to have a few mini-stakes in the ground so that one can make assessments as to which way the wind is blowing.  We all have our own pet items to watch, including the VIX, the New Highs and New Lows, Accumulation/Distribution, P-E, EPS, and the list goes on. That’s good.  But again I ask “What do you measure against and the answer is always “Past History”.

Net-net those are the Standard Building Blocks based on known factors which help to keep us on the right side of the Market.  But then what about the new items that are currently in force under present circumstances which are not yet implanted in the history books or for that matter may never be. None-the-less they are useful in real time.  They are personal ways of giving you comfort in what you see and re-assurance in what steps you should take. These are the mini-stakes aimed at spying opportunities.  Sometimes they turn out to be worthless, and sometimes they are gems.  Over time they become your tricks of the trade. 

Here are three tricks of the trade which I have shared with you recently: 

  1. Use different Investor Styles from the StockPicker to assess which type may be working now
  2. Identify Wolf Packs that are stocks in the same Industry Group moving on the same day/week
  3. Use a basket of about 15 to 20 Stocks that are Leaders when the Market is being trashed 

Depending how each and all of them perform subsequently give me clues of the pulse of the market.  Net-net, plant a stake in the ground, wait a week or two and take a measurement. I will show you over this long weekend what I got out of each of these and summarize what they collectively tell me at the end…all while watching the golf and trying to cool off.  Best Regards, Ian.


Copyright © 2007-2010 Ian Woodward
Disclaimer: Commentaries on this Blog are not to be construed as recommendations to buy or sell the market and/or specific securites. The consumer of the information is responsible for their own investment decisions.