Ian Woodward's Investing Blog

A Smorgasbord of Good Stuff to Watch

You are either tired of this tricky Market and have already capitulated or you are all prepped for a Bounce Play.  It goes without saying that we are back to the critical Line in the Sand:  Do we hold the line at 1257 on the S&P500 or do we head down for the 1150 Target I have offered several times before on this blog and in the March Seminar Targets?  It is Nail-Biting Time and the question is “So you think you can dance” in this Difficult Market?


  1. If you are an ardent follower of this blog, then I have provided you a Smorgasbord of items to watch this next week based on what I have taught you that are important in the Principles of HGS Investing. 

  2. With the HGSI Software we provide the investor the ability to practice several styles from Bottom Fishing to Momentum, from Trading in Moments to being patient, prudent and pouncing when the time is right. 

  3. We define opportunities that have MOMENTUM in Strong Fundamentals as its first and most important ingredient coupled with strong Price Gains in tune with the Market Direction.  Our approach is based on providing alternative scenarios that draw Lines in the Sand. 

  • We have had two Bingo Signals on the NYSE which suggests A Bottom…not necessarily the Bottom. 
  • All Indexes have Bongo Signals “No”.
  • We now wait for a Eureka within the next 12 days.  

I trust that the following snapshots from the past will give you what is important to look for at this critical juncture…I will let them speak for themselves, but it is always “Your Call.”  For those who attended the March Seminar, I strongly recommend you dust off the HGS 701 PowerPoint presentation.

s&p price  targets tkc Best Regards, Ian.

Copyright © 2007-2010 Ian Woodward
Disclaimer: Commentaries on this Blog are not to be construed as recommendations to buy or sell the market and/or specific securites. The consumer of the information is responsible for their own investment decisions.