Ian Woodward's Investing Blog

Stock Market: New Highs out of Wibbly Wobbly!

Wonders Never Cease…We are now into New High Territory after the spate of Wibbly Wobbly which is forgotten and behind us.  We are at an interesting stage where we are but 1% away for all but the Nasdaq and NDX Market Indexes from the “Higher Jump Targets” I set seven weeks ago, so it is Up, Up and Away again:

Up Picture

The DJI and NYA are flying high and have set New High Records above the Higher Jump Targets set over seven weeks ago:

Up Indexes

The Russell 2000 (RUT) has bounced back nicely and is into New High Territory with a 4% cushion to support so all is hunky dorry for now.  Another 10 points higher and we would have met the Higher Jump Target of 951.


Now here is a bonus for Longer Term Investors that shows what to look for with regard to buying and selling:

Up Buy and Sell

The Lesson learned is to always watch the High Jump for signs of when the Markets and Stocks are overbought.  We are now nearly into a four month rally and in another week we will be celebrating the Ides of March!  The beauty of the current situation is that we have ample cushion and early warning before catastrophe sets in:

Up Pat

Grandma’s Pies are not soggy any longer and looking very healthy once again:

Up Pies

…And now, I finish with the real Gem on your gateway to the stars as you review the progress against the targets I set for the Market Indexes to reach the Higher Jump Targets way back on 01/25/2013.  The top half is where to look and concentrate on Columns “L” and “N”.  Always take things a step at a time.  Let the Indexes get past the Higher Jump Targets (if they do) before worrying about the Highest Jump.  Note however that only the Nasdaq and NDX are lagging while all the others are either above the target (DJI and NYA) or no more than 1% below, which is reachable if the rally continues.

Up High Jump

My thanks to all my supporters around the world, who pop in to see what the latest news is and for some of you who have even taken the HGSI Product to follow along and more than that have come across the pond to attend a seminar.  The next one is in two weeks time so hurry and sign up.  Ron and I  have raised the bar one more time.

Up Countries

Best Regards,


Copyright © 2007-2010 Ian Woodward
Disclaimer: Commentaries on this Blog are not to be construed as recommendations to buy or sell the market and/or specific securites. The consumer of the information is responsible for their own investment decisions.