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Stock Market: See-Saw and a Climax Run Market

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2014

I am back from an exhilarating and exhausting three day seminar at Sunny Palos Verdes, and Ron and I thank all of you our supporters for a rollicking good time.  The Newbies now know how to read my blog and the winky-winkies I give from time to time.  The first Picture chart usually spills the beans of what I think:

See-saw Picture

Unlike last Month where the Stock Market reaction to the mediocre Jobs Report was surprisingly good, this month’s report due on Friday should give us a better indication of the health of the economy here in the USA.

See-saw Indexes

Here is the performance of the Canaries which have essentially rolled over from their highs, but are still hanging in there:

See-saw Canaries

The Russell 2000 (RUT) suffered about a 5% loss from its high, but true to form turned up once again.  Before it breaks that trend-line hard is when we should all run for the hills and that should be when 1000 is broken to the downside:

See-saw RUT

We are now at that Critical Juncture I warned about of at least a 12% Correction since the Acc:Dist ratio is below 1.0 (Stalemate) and now we wait to see if there is a gigantic recovery in the Internals of the Market or it gently fades away:

See-saw abcde

Grandma’s Pies says it all…a complete turn around of 6 Buckets up in a matter of four days.  Now What?

See-saw Pies

The Path of Least Resistance is up, so play it that way until you get another Knee-jerk down.  Counting today, we are now into Day 4 of Twelve Drummers Drumming, so keep a beady eye on that count:

See-saw Pat

Here is nice new chart to digest, which shows the critical signals we have had in the past few weeks that tells the story:

See-saw Code Blue

Well, that’s it for today.  Keep your powder dry and your nest egg whole is job 1!  Write a comment to give me feedback.

Best Regards,


Stock Market: The Ides of March Usually Spells Instability

Saturday, March 22nd, 2014

The week of March 15th is usually unstable and this was no exception.  “You too Brutus!”  The VIX shot up to over 18 on the 14th and then fell sharply back down to the 14 level before bouncing back up to around 15ish.

Ides Picture

The Market Indexes are bouncing around due to the uncertainty that lies ahead on the Ukraine Affair:

Ides Indexes

The Small Caps keep barreling along as evidenced by the RUT which is in a solid uptrend as shown below:

Ides RUT

The Canaries are dithering around and have lost their chirp with a minor roll over to the downside:

Ides Canaries

The S&P 1500 is essentially at Stalemate on Grandma’s Pies, and we may be headed down further:

Ides Pies

…Our favorite chart shows the “Wibbly-Wobbly” state of affairs this past week traders have had to put up with:

Ides Pat

The Internals of Accumulation vs. Distribution is virtually at Stalemate once again, and cliff-hanging:

Ides abcde

Three Cheers for Chris White, CEO at EdgeRater, who has automated a High Jump Template on the NASDAQ:

Ides Jump

We have introduced a New Impulse Indicator to compliment the Bingo…Its called Bango, overbought Market:

Ides bango

…And here are the recent results for Bango, starting with a Bingo at the bottom:

Ides Nasdaq

Best Regards, and see you at the Seminar next weekend!


Stock Market: Highest Jump Target Was Met!

Monday, March 3rd, 2014

Just when the Stock Market was reaching New Highs and the Highest Jump Target of 4350 on the NASDAQ was essentially met, the Ukraine Affair got the Market Jittery these last two days and we must now take a deep breath and see which way the wind is blowing from here.  The VIX has jumped up 2.33 points as I write this at 12.00 noon Pacific Coast Time.

Ukraine Picture

The next chart shows the usual picture we like to follow of the various Market Indexes.  After that major hit downwards on January 24, when the S&P 1500 had all of 45% of its stocks below the Lower Bollinger Band, we bounced back with a V-Bottom this past five weeks only to be greeted with turbulence from the Ukraine/Russia Kerfuffle.


Now for the fun stuff!  It did it again…the trusty old High Jump Tool came through for us with flying colors and we essentially reached the Target of 4350 at 4343 for a High.  You will note that it has struggled to get past 14.74% this last 3 months which showed the market was running out of steam and now we need the market to tell us whether it is just pausing to refresh or is headed down.

Ukraine Hi Jump 1

…And here for good measure is a Weekly picture which shows how steep the climb has been recently:

Ukraine Hi Jump 2

Despite the hiccup, the RUT is still sitting pretty and was back into new high territory a couple of days ago:

Ukraine RUT

…And to finish this off, the VIX climbed ~ 2 points today and should be viewed as a shot across the bow:

Ukraine VIX

Less than a month to go for the HGSI March Seminar from the 29th to the 31st, so get cracking and sign up and I look forward to seeing you all with bright shiny faces in Sunny Palos Verdes.

Best Regards,


Stock Market: NASDAQ Highest Jump Target is 4350

Wednesday, February 19th, 2014

Those of you who follow my blog faithfully will recall on the December 26th, 2013 Blog I showed you the rationale for the “High, Higher and Highest” Targets using my High Jump Process.  We had just achieved the Higher Jump Target on Christmas Eve of 4155, and then the Market corrected sharply.

We were on the brink of a more serious correction ten days ago, when the “Janet Yellen Halo Effect” took place with the NASDAQ rising ten days in a row!  So the Market is rising into New High Territory, and I felt it would be wise to dust off those old targets for your perusal.

Yellen Picture

The Market Indexes are down a little bit today as I write this blog but you can see at a glance that the snapshot shows we are now back to “Double Top” territory with the potential for going higher:

Yellen Indexes

Likewise, the Acc/Dist Ratio has snapped back from being oversold to a respectable ~2:1 Ratio, so things are looking up for the Bulls once again:

Yellen abcde

With that preamble in setting the stage for an upside move it pays to look at our favorite chart to get one more confirmation before we look at the High Jump Targets for the NASDAQ.  It is the current picture of the S&P 1500 with its buckets compared to the Major Market Indexes with their %B, and %B 1-Day Change:

Yellen Pat

Now let’s get to the meat of this Blog relating to the Next High Jump Target.  For your convenience the next two slides are plucked from the December 26th Blog which you should go back and review by selecting that timeframe from past blogs on the right hand side of the first page.

Yellen HJ1

Yellen HJ2

Those two charts served us well over the Santa Claus Rally period and we achieved the “Higher” Target then.  The temptation is to apply the same technique to NOW, but my advice is not to do that, as one would then be compounding the “Greed Factor”.  Far better to stick with the old Targets from back then and set one’s sights on the Highest Jump Target of 4350 from that previous exercise.  If and when we pass that Target we can set new Stakes in the Ground, and measuring rods.  So rolling forward two months from then we get:

Yellen HJ3

Yesterday along the way I captured this screen shot above when the NASDAQ was at 4274, and I direct your attention to the flatness of the High Jump since the December 24th Timeframe where it had not surpassed the 14.74% mark on the High Jump.  Going forward we need to see that broken to the upside and aiming for 16.28%.  That would be a clue that we are approaching 4350.  The second thing if we are lucky is that this next move is a climax run blow off and that we see an “Eureka” appear which would be a sign of a late stage exuberance for a climax run!  At that point we are well into “Greed” and so watch out below.

Yellen HJ4

On this chart the Clue is the Weekly High Jump, which needs to spurt up to “72” before we get too excited, and if we are lucky that all of this should happen, then mark my words we will not only have met the 4350 Target but also be ready for a pratfall, which we have fortunately not had as of yet!

I am not a Soothsayer, but I have faith in the High Jump Tool which has served us well over these past 20 Years, and we shall see if it proves itself one more time.  Can the NASDAQ go higher than 4350?…yes, of course.  But let’s get there first is my point, if we are to go higher from here.  If not then you certainly know what to look for on the downside with -4% from the high and then -8% as the measuring rods!

Best Regards,


Stock Market: Liked the January Jobs Report!

Sunday, February 9th, 2014

Here is Part 2 of the Blog Note on the Jobs Report with a tip of the hat to John Bollinger, aka jb:

Bollinger Picture2

The Bulls earned a reprieve with a strong rebound and follow through to the previous day:

Bollinger Indexes 2

The Russell 2000 (RUT) also bounced back, but is not out of the woods as yet:

Bollinger RUT

Now for my fun…who would have “thunk it”…Wonders never cease to amaze on the reaction to the Jobs Report:

Bollinger Jobs

The Acc:Dist ratio is still oversold at 0.65, and we need another 500 stocks in A+B to even get to Stalemate:

Bollinger abcde2

The Bulls have salvaged the Rally in the last two days, but now comes the real test to see if they can move higher:

Bollinger Pat2

Written while enjoying the Golf at Pebble Beach and the Ski-Jumping at the Olympics.  Give me your feedback!


Copyright © 2007-2010 Ian Woodward
Disclaimer: Commentaries on this Blog are not to be construed as recommendations to buy or sell the market and/or specific securites. The consumer of the information is responsible for their own investment decisions.