Ian Woodward's Investing Blog

Archive for the ‘HGS Principles’ Category

Its Taken Seven Hindenburg Signals for Big Foot to Appear!

Wednesday, November 7th, 2007


Readers of this Blog had ample warning that the Hindenburg Omen was firing Canons to Right and Canons to Left as they volleyed and thundered.  I trust you took heed and got on your bicycles and went the other way rather than into the Valley of Death with the Six Hundred!  Big Foot the Bear is lurking in the wings, ready to pounce. 

Who knows whether this is just another shot across the bow or the Big Correction we have been waiting for?  It doesn’t matter…the more important thing is we had a Game Plan, we staked out the boundary conditions and today the Bulls fumbled the ball and the Bears have it.  I suggest you go back and look at the Blog on November 3rd called “Ian’s Musings – Some Principles of HGS Investing”.  The Lines in the Sand are all drawn for you and not only 1490 but also 1476 have been broken today on the S&P 500, so now we wait for tomorrow and then next week.  Why? Because today was another 360 point day down on the DOW which makes this #5 this year and we need to see what happens tomorrow and a week from now to confirm we have repaired or we are in a lot more trouble.  

Of course tomorrow brings a new day and either there is a follow through to the downside or yet again for the umpteenth time the Bulls see an oversold situation and come charging back into the same Silverbacks we all know and love.  However, we have a few more wounded than before and you know by now that the likes of GRMN, DRYS, EXM, AKS, CLF, CROX, FTK, and VDSI to name a few are now broken or breaking down.  Not enough to declare that the party is over, but enough for one to be careful if you are tempted to roll the dice when there is an oversold bounce.  Play near the exits before you get trampled on.  Anything lower and there will be a good deal of hurt before the Santa Claus hopefully kicks in.  November and December are traditionally good months, but we will have to wait and see as this financial fiasco unravels further. 

Keep your Powder Dry!  Best Regards, Ian.

The Hindenburg Omen Signals between 2005 and 2007

Tuesday, November 6th, 2007

Kevin and his wife Diane are new readers of my blog and ask to be brought up to date on the Hindenburg Omen track record since 2005.  Here is his question: “I’ve been reading your blog with great interest ever since I heard about the Hindenburg Omen signal elsewhere (on ADVFN).  I see on the Wikipedia site there is a link to an article giving the historical performance of this signal from 1985 to 2005, but I was wondering what signals there have been since 2005 and what happened thereafter. 

Obviously there were valid signals in July-August this year too, but do you know if there were any signals between 2005 and 2007 and were they false or true?  If you know of any website or article that has an up-to-date performance record of the Hindenburg Omen would you mention it on your blog please?  Thanks – and thanks also for all the other interesting market commentaries you provide in your daily blog.” The short answer is three Valid Signals, One False Signal and One waiting in the wings right now between 2005 and 2007!  I also show three spurious signals which are single events and DO NOT count as the requirement is at least for two “True” hits to occur for a valid signal.  The picture below will bring you up to date:omen chart

I don’t know of any article that has an up-to-date account other than the one you are reading on this blog and web-site, thanks to the excellent work of the HGSI Software Team, which I am sure all of us appreciate.  In the hustle and bustle of life, if my viewers of this blog like this expression of their good work which I share freely with you, drop them a line of appreciation. The e-mail address is support@highgrowthstock.com. Thank you for your positive feedback on my work and the interest in my efforts to give my supporters the pulse of the market and other Principles of HGS Investing.  Stay a while and you might pick up a few ideas that may help you in this tricky volatile Market. 

Late Breaking News!  After posting this blog, I find there is a further signal triggered after today’s download, so as the market goes higher, the Hindenburg Omen continues to signal irrational exuberance.  As I said in an earlier Blog, 41 days from the confirmed second signal on October 17 puts us at November 27 before these signals are deemed invalid…according to the historians.

Best regards, Ian.

A Review of the Value of the Iandex and RonIandex

Monday, November 5th, 2007

I am very pleased to see so many other Blogs referencing my Blog since it seems there is an amazing interest in the Hindenburg Omen.  I have a Russian Blog and a Greek Blog referencing my work to say nothing of the many US Blogs that like to keep track of the Hindenburg Omen. So let me take this opportunity to thank them for their kindness and I hope it helps them too.  It started that way, but it seems that the interest is now more than that as I note from the statistics that the most popular Blog of late is the one called “The Hindenburg Omen Keeps Dropping Big Shoes”.  It seems that the list of Silverback Chinese Stocks shown in that Blog is the key attraction as these got hard hit today.  Few seem to care about Guy Fawkes Night! 

Today I celebrate the highest number of hits I have had in the four months I started this blog.  I am not complaining for one minute with this new found interest in what I have to say. However, I do want to give some perspective of the context in which Ron and I give you pointers of where to catch the big fish and yet at the same time know when the pond is drained and the Index’ we post give you an early warning of a downturn in the market.  Those of you who follow our work on a routine basis will recall that one of the earliest Iandex I posted on July 29, 2007 was eleven stocks called “The Last Chance for the Last Dance” implying that these gorilla stocks were the pick of the bunch at that time and if they broke we were due for a decent correction.  It turned out that was correct as it was little more than two weeks later that we hit a low in the market on August 16.  What our supporters also know from past experience is that if there is not a complete rotation and/or more than an Intermediate Correction these same stocks often go on to give major gains.   

Of course, we are all busy people and have so many other tempting stocks to buy from, but I want to wake you up one more time that Ron’s and my purpose in life is to both help to show you how to make good money and also to suggest when to protect the money you make.  I am a glass half full type with a healthy respect for Market Corrections. I am not a gloom and doom type though the exposure I have had on the Hindenburg Omen may suggest that to people who don’t know me.  It is a proprietary Indicator in the HGSI Software, along with several other proprietary indicators just as useful, and it is satisfying to us all on the HGSI Team to see its popularity grow.  Here is what I mean about knowing when to pounce and when to pull back.  10% to 15% per month is a pretty good return in a rough market:

Blog Iandex


The Last Dance Index is still as strong as the first day I published it and will tell you when the Market has given up the ghost, as it tried to do back in August.  Watch it like a hawk!  Also note that I have repeatedly said that GOOG, AAPL, RIMM and GRMN are the four to watch and GRMN has fallen.  Add BIDU to that list and if these die so goes our Market as well as the Chinese Market!  As an exercise left to the student, I suggest you look at the other Index’s I have listed throughout the past three months and see how they have performed.  Once you begin to see them turn blood red, the party is over and there are no more leaders until a rotation takes place and a fresh set of leaders emerge.  Those of you who are not day traders or swing traders hopefully have learnt a lesson that the Principles of High Growth Stock Investing apply to the gamut of Investing Styles, but it is your stomach for Risk/Reward preference that determines the degree of success you have. 

Best regards, Ian.


Let’s Hope the Market Doesn’t Celebrate Guy Fawkes Night!

Sunday, November 4th, 2007

Guy Fawkes

Guy Fawkes Night is celebrated in Britain annually on November 5th.  The event is accompanied by firework displays, the lighting of bonfires and the ceremony effigy-burning of one Guy Fawkes, who was caught red handed before he could blow up the Houses of Parliament and is known as The Gunpowder Plot.  I trust we do not have a bad day tomorrow in the Stock Market, but if we do we can blame it on Guy Fawkes! 

There have been a good deal of fireworks on some of the leading stocks and this could portend more trouble to come with at least a reasonable correction and/or a rotation into new Industry Groups.  Here is the performance during the past three weeks of the Gorilla RonIandex since 10/14/2007.  Although some stocks, notably GRMN are down nearly 15%, the Group is still holding up.  We must understand that at EPS Report time, there is usually a fair amount of profit taking, and we will have to wait and see if these leaders get whacked further. chart

Best Regards, Ian.

A Six-pack of Hindenburg Omen’s since Oct. 15

Saturday, November 3rd, 2007

six pack

The Hindenburg Omen chalked up the Sixth Signal last night. 

  1. The probability of a move greater than 5% to the downside after a confirmed Hindenburg Omen within the next 41 days after its occurrence is 77%, the probability of a panic sellout is 41% and the probability of a real big stock market crash is 25%.
  2. The occurrence of a confirmed Hindenburg Omen does not necessarily mean that the stock market will go down.
  3. On the other hand there has never been a significant stock market decline in history that was not preceded by a confirmed Hindenburg Omen.

The confirmed Hindenburg occurred on October 17th, so we should expect at least a 5% correction in the S&P 500 by November 27th…in time for Thanksgiving.  I wish this would get it over and done with before then so that we can enjoy our turkey with family and friends.  Let’s hope that rule #2 applies this time and that all of this was just a shot across the bow for now.


Best regards, Ian.

Copyright © 2007-2010 Ian Woodward
Disclaimer: Commentaries on this Blog are not to be construed as recommendations to buy or sell the market and/or specific securites. The consumer of the information is responsible for their own investment decisions.